Ah.. "The mystery of faith."
It just doesn't make sense, and there is no making it make sense.
This is why arguing with history, logic, and other means can often, if not always, fall flat. We are trying to tell people who God is instead of holding fast to what God has done in our lives.
Just try to imagine that you have never heard these words before, and then someone comes up and tells you what it says in 1 Timothy 3:16.
"Without question, the mystery of godliness is great: he was revealed as a human, declared righteous by the Spirit, seen by angels, preached throughout the nations, believed in around the world, and taken up in glory."
I can hear the words of dissent: "You can't prove that." "Why should I believe you?" and so on.
So, what are we to do? For now, embrace what we believe and grow to learn more in body, mind, and spirit within a community of people who are also on a similar path of discernment. Even if we don't all come together and believe all of the exact same nuances of scripture it is more about the journey.
The goal is not so much to tell others they are sinners and need Jesus to have new life. That concept is foreign and just doesn't make sense much like telling a kid they need to eat veggitables when they know that they won't be hungry anymore if they just eat the candy they like. Trying to make it make sense won't compute. So, the goal is to be the light of Christ for others to see. In other words, lead by example. The more the people we hope to join us in accepting this holy mystery see God at work in us the more they will want to know what we know.
Today, is the last day of these 31 days of prayer in May 2024. And when I go live it will be on the topic of Godliness. I pray we each connect with the divine within as people created in God's image.
And a closing thought... because I have kids and moving on the brain... I am glad to have had the opportunity to lead by example in these daily writings and livestreams this month. I'll be working throughout next month to continue to grow in consistent persistence in other areas of life from cleaning house and office spaces to clean eating and more self-care. If you want to join me for shared support and accountability to practice what we preach, let me know!